Town Of Newbury Office of Board of Health 25 High Road Newbury, Mass. 01951 |
March 18, 2014
Chair Steve Fram opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Present were Board Members Alba Gouldthorpe, Elaine Byrne, Health Agent Deborah Rogers, and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon.
67 OLD ROWLEY ROAD- The proposed septic design located at 67 Old Rowley Road is proposing a 2 bedroom design with a deed restriction. The lot size restricts the size of the septic system to a 2 bedroom instead of the required 3 bedroom minimum. It was moved by Alba Gouldthorpe to approve the 2 bedroom with a deed restriction as written; it was seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
10 PAUL’S WAY –The proposed septic design for 10 Pauls Way requested the following variances: 1.) To reduce the required setback from the cellar wall to the septic tank and pump chamber from 10’ to 7’. 2.) Reduce the required 4’ separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 3’. 3.) To allow the use of a sieve analysis in place of a traditional percolation test. 4.) To eliminate the required 12” separation from the outlet of the septic tank/pump chamber to the estimated seasonal high water table. Tank shall be vacuum tested in the field to prove water tightness. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to accept the variances; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.
MINUTES OF MEETING- It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve the minutes for December 10, 2013, as written; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.
3 LONGVIEW LANE – Present was Hilary McCamic and Linda McCamic from 2 Longview Lane, along with John Ryan and Mary-Corinne Lyons from 3 Longview Lane and abutter, Bub Colby from Colby Farm were here to discuss the complaint regarding clam shells being used for the driveway located at 3 Longview Lane. Linda McCamic had made a complaint to the Board of Health regarding clam shells with raw meat still left inside them being used for the neighbor’s driveway which runs along her property. The odor is strong and the clams have been attracting seagulls which are creating seagull droppings all over the McCamic’s roof.
Based on the inspection conducted, Deborah Rogers confirmed there were a lot of clam shells with the clams still in the shells. In addition, the inspection revealed the clams were scattered on the snow banking’s from the snowplow.
Steve Fram stated that his examination of the Health Code revealed that “under the state health code it qualifies as a nuisance.”
Doug Packer, from the conservation commission confirmed that that the clams are environmentally safe. After time they crush down into a lime dust. However, he added that they should not still have clam remnants still in them. Chairman Steve Fram stated, “No more buckets with clam necks and they must be double washed prior to dumping them on the property”. The Board voted to table this problem for one month and ask Linda McCamic to report back to the Board to see if the problem has been resolved. Further discussion with the Lyons/Ryan family revealed that no more deliveries are planned for this year. The board then stated that they would revisit this situation when the clam deliveries resumed. Linda McCamic stated that she would report
any further problems directly to the Health Agent.
Bub Colby, conferred with the Board, as he had been the supplier of the clam shells for the last three years. He said that he would instruct his supplier to not install any further clam shells with clam remnants on the Lyons/Ryan property and further that all shells would be delivered on his property and placed in the rear of one of his farm buildings.
The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on April 22, 2014 at
6:00 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Deborah Rogers
Virginia Bacon